Enable Ireland
The Clare Services of Enable Ireland, formerly Cerebral Palsy Ireland, was formed in 1990 as a support group for families and carers of people with physical disability. Since then the Clare Adults Service has developed a wide range of activities and services to meet the needs of children and adults with disabilities and their families in Co. Clare. Enable Ireland’s premises are in Clonroad Business Park, Ennis, Co. Clare.
Enable Ireland Adult Services in Co. Clare provides services for 16 adults with disabilities and their families. The organisation offers a range of services covering transport, personal development, independent living, supported employment, social and leisure activities including personalised physiotherapy programmes, hydrotherapy, music therapy, horticulture therapy, cookery, and support with further education, sports, arts and crafts and community inclusion programmes.
The funding from the JP McManus Benevolent Fund:
- Provided for wheelchair accessible buses covering all areas of Co. Clare, giving Service Users the opportunity to achieve their person centred goals and plans.